
  • You're amazingggg! So grateful to drop in with you and to collaborate.

    Parker, multi-instrumentalist

  • What Sarah did in 15-minutes, some sound healers can't do in an hour.

    Marian, Productivity & Life Coach and Women’s Circle Attendee

  • You give me big Rising Appalachia vibes since we met….absolutely love it!!

    – Chris, Glistening in Gold

  • One of my fav performances of the weekend. It's amazing what zero production but a ton of soul can do. Genuine expression is the difference! Thanks for sharing your time, being, and music with us!!!!

    — Zach, Sound Engineer

  • What an amazing message. It means so so much. It’s so important what you are singing.

    — Caeli regarding “Thank You Mother

  • ...And when I hear your songs I listen to them over and over. I love your voice. This beautiful distinct angelic sound to my ears. Pains glory and release all so liberating to my soul. You are so unplugged and just in the moment.

    — Elizabeth G.

  • Incredible voice and beautiful playing!

    — Lynn Rose

  • Sarah!! This is beautiful. Mesmerizing. Perfect! ❤️

    — Lana, Soundwise Health Founder, Teacher & Sound Therapy Facilitator

  • I really enjoyed this. And I rarely, very rarely enjoy vocals in combination with handpans. Super pleasant, thank you!

  • Oh Sarah. I just watched your video on peter’s channel of Broken Pieces. It has such a visceral a neural load to it. I immediately felt calm and sadness settle in. I just love your voice so much.

    – Rick, Broken Pieces

  • I love you so so so much and what a joy it is to see your beautiful face and hear your voice! And as soon as you started plucking those violin strings my heart felt feelings that have been long forgotten and reawakened in me something I still can't put words too......thank you so much for sharing

    – Calleen, Glistening in Gold

  • That is gorgeous!!! Beautiful transmission. And very nicely done, congrats friend <3

    – Luiza, Ancestors Say